Sam Westwood,
Executive Coach
Me as a coach
For me, coaching is a joint adventure, where you’re in control of the destination, and I help to navigate the way.
I’m a big believer that we don’t know what we think until we take the time to express it to others and my intuitive coaching supports you do some quality thinking and express your thoughts in a safe and open space.
My style is supportive but challenging, aiming to nudge you to consider things from different perspectives, increase self-awareness and ultimately make the right decisions for you. TANDEM the people consultancy.
What qualifies me to be your coach?
I’ve worked in HR/People roles for my whole career, and I am passionate about empowering people though supporting them to unlock their potential. I’ve seen first-hand the limits that can be placed on people, but more importantly, how to liberate them from these. I have experienced numerous personal and career benefits from being coached myself and I never sit still, constantly pushing myself to grow. I’m a big believer that everyone has the capacity to learn and better themselves – it’s about the choices we make in response to the awareness of our environment.
BA (Hons) Business and Human Resource Management.
MA Human Resource Management.
Practitioner diploma in executive coaching awarded by the Academy of Executive Coaching.
Chartered Fellow of the CIPD.
Over 15 years’ experience in senior HR and L&D roles.