Tandem offers the coaching
and facilitation to help grow
your business into something
truly beautiful.
Tandem offers the coaching and facilitation to help grow your business into something truly beautiful.

Would your Executive team benefit from having a team coach? Is there a team that is struggling to reach desired performance levels due to internal differences? Organisations are most effective when the teams responsible for their success, function as more than the sum of their parts. To accelerate performance, a supportive yet challenging Team Coach can provide feedback, insights, guidance and training.
We use a model that covers the 5 Disciplines of Team Performance, over 6 x 3 hour sessions: Commissioning, Clarifying, Co-creating, Connecting and Core Learning, as developed by Peter Hawkins in Leadership Team Coaching. Our role is to question, listen, challenge, and facilitate a coaching experience that leads to a high -performing team working autonomously. We recommend all 6 sessions are taken over the course of 12 months.
With a clear objective, coaching is the best way to invest in an individual’s development. Focused, intense and meaningful, the results are often profound. Our coaches guide, challenge and question clients to deepen their understanding of themselves and where they are. We encourage people to think differently so they can commit to the actions needed to achieve success. Through their journey of self-discovery, they explore options and engage in their own best way to deliver, ensuring far greater commitment.
A typical coaching programme will involve 6 sessions, often with a “pre” and “post” meeting with the sponsor/line manager. Significant time is spent defining what the objectives of the coaching are before the journey begins.
What does this look like? Who knows? We’ve never had two coaching sessions that are even remotely similar. It’s a unique and bespoke development experience, dependent on the needs and objectives of the individual.

Management away days, team building, creative workshops, strategy formulation… Whatever you need, the advantages of having an external facilitator are numerous:
- An independent presence to help banish bias and “group-think”
- It drives groups into action by challenging and feeding back on unhelpful “noise” in the room, steering you to where the real issues are.
- Keeping to an agenda is problematic with group meetings and discussions
As experienced facilitators, we can help with the following:
- Strategy Development
- Project Planning
- Idea Generation
- Team Building
- Problem Solving and Action Planning
Whatever your needs, we will design a bespoke framework for your day, ensuring you achieve exactly what you set out to achieve.
To support any development initiatives you plan to run, we offer a variety of tools to help individuals or teams increase their levels of self-awareness.
- Insights Discovery
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Stage 1 & 2
- Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI)
- Strengthscope
- Be-Spoke 360 feedback (design and administer)
- Hogan Leadership Assessment
- DISC Profiling
Leadership Development
We believe that there’s a leader in all of us. It might be a charismatic ambassador, an influential high achiever, an introverted intellect or a rational strategist. We challenge the stereotypical view of ‘Leaders’.
Training Tools
Any kind of development is an investment in time and money. And both can feel quite scarce sometimes. Tandem Sprints address these shortages.