Stakeholder Management

Full Day

Otimise your ability to identify, influence and lead key stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes and drive benefits through investment in change. (Full Day)



Stakeholder Management is critical not only for large scale complex projects but for day to day simple tasks, because all work requires input from others.  Engagement, building trust and communication skills all contribute to effective stakeholder management – and an understanding of why it’s important, what you need to do and how you do go about it will lead to successful landing of work and the pathway to a successful career.

This workshop covers:

  • Understanding the importance of why effective Stakeholder Management is essential
  • Knowing the tools that are available to you to help analyse where you are and where you need to be
  • Understand that self-management, empathy and seeing the bigger picture will drive success
  • Effective strategies and practical tips to put this all in place with immediate effect
