Managing Conflict

3 hours

Understand why conflict happens and learn how to identify it as well as put measures in place to rectify it.



We will all face some kind of conflict at work in our careers.  This is a workshop to help you deal with it in the most productive way that ensures resolution and preserved mental wellbeing.  After exploring why conflict arises, there is an exploration of how to identify it and what measure to put in place to rectify.  Key areas covered include:

  • Understanding that conflict is inevitable in teams and that it is not always a bad thing
  • Understanding that conflict needs to be addressed. It very rarely disappears on its own – and it is their responsibility to address conflict
  • With the knowledge that individuals respond differently in conflict and that assertive behaviour is the best way to manage it (rather than aggression or avoidance)
  • Action planning on when participants will address either an existing conflict, or what action they will put in place to proactively reduce conflict
